Monday 13 November 2006

Never forgotten –always remember

The second Sunday in November, the English pay respects to their soldiers killed in all the wars in the Remembrance Day, also called Poppy Day because the citizens wear red poppies like a symbol to commemorate them.

This year this date had a special meaning in London because of the 120 soldiers who lost their lives in the Iraq War.

Here in Southampton, near a thousand of people meet at the Cenotaph in Watts Park to remember all those who lost their lives. Half a hundred of floral poppy tributes were placed in front of the Cenotaph with memorable words like “Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice paid” or “Never forgotten –always remember”.

Friday 10 November 2006

My life like a dangerous terrorist

The last in security rules: a young girl with a camera in a small English airport is, probably, a dangerous terrorist who wants to hurt people coming to Southampton airport.

Last week, European airports have new security rules. In UK now they are softer then the last three months, but passengers are not happy anyway. Now, London airports mean long queues, police walking around with sub-machine guns –index finger ready to fire- and security guards seeing to you like if you were a terrorist.

Passengers have not fear to possible terrorist attacks. Maybe it is because they are more annoyed than scared and planes are still the safest and fastest way of travel.